Free trade accounts for foreign talents opened in Shanghai

“First, those meeting the requirements of talent introducing policy; second is overseas Chinese working in industries registered on the list of Shanghai Technology and Innovation Center.” He went on to explain that the third category is international ... ( read original story ...)

Chinese Firm Transmitted Data From Android Devices

Shanghai Adups Technology Company, a technology company based in China, is accused of developing and installing spyware on budget Android devices that stole text messages and call records and sent the data back to servers in China. The major vulnerability ... ( read original story ...)

Installation at Shanghai biennale maps dalit fight

KOCHI: VV Vinu is the first Malayali artist participating in the Shanghai biennale 2016 that is running from ... is a symbolic rumination of Ayyankali-led protest when labourers stopped work to establish rights for education for all. ( read original story ...)