1br on nanjing w rd only 10K inclu utilities fee wifi

SmartShanghai Housing is Shanghai's most popular rental listings platform. We remove any listings that don't meet our strict listings criteria. However, we are not responsible for disputes with landlords, agencies, other users or the content of their listings. ( read original story ...)

Luxe Pack Shanghai 2017: Exploring culture and new technologies

To mark a decade in packaging design and innovation, the theme of Luxe Pack Shanghai 2017 will centre focus on coupling ... authentication and traceability systems and connected technology will influence the APAC packaging industry. As brands seek cutting ... ( read original story ...)

Western Queensland mayors swap knowledge with AWI in Shanghai

“We haven’t recovered yet,” Paroo’s Lindsay Godfrey replied. The story Wool technology on show in Shanghai first appeared on Queensland Country Life. STATE and federal water ministers must submit a secondary plan to COAG by April next year on ... ( read original story ...)