The ‘Carl Icahn of China’ Is Going to Jail

A Chinese billionaire often called "China's Carl Icahn" will go to prison for his role in crashing his country's stock market. Xu Xiang, a renowned hedge fund manager who ran Shanghai Zexi Investment, was sentenced to five and a half years in jail ... ( read original story ...)

China’s IPO frenzy is back as speculators chase the momentum

One in every five of last year’s IPOs, or 48 of them, hit the 44 per cent price increase limit on their debut, and had their trading suspended in Shanghai and Shenzhen. The Chinese regulators have repeatedly warned investors about the risks of chasing ... ( read original story ...)

China's shadow banking crusade risks bond market crash

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China's campaign to cut high debt levels in its economy is aiming this year to shrink the $3 trillion shadow banking sector, which could drain a critical source of income for the country's banks and of funding for its fragile bond market. ( read original story ...)