On their debut trading day, Ribo Fashion shot up a staggering 44 per cent on the Shanghai Exchange, while rival Speed Apparel tumbled below its listing price in Hong Kong. The opposing fates of the two similar companies and IPOs stemmed from what analysts ... ( read original story ...)
Shanghai tightens grip of online lenders as scams increase
The Shanghai government has ordered online lending platforms to deposit their money with local banks within six months after they are registered with the local financial authorities, as China strives to root out risks stemming from the burgeoning sector. ( read original story ...)
RPT-SPECIAL REPORT-‘Ghost collateral’ haunts loans across China’s banking system
recalled Shanghai lawyer Wang Chaoyu. A pile of steel pledged as collateral for a loan of almost $3 million from his bank, China CITIC, had vanished from a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Just several months earlier, in mid-2013, Wang and the ... ( read original story ...)
Shanghai IPO approval for CaitongSec
This content is available to IFRAsia.com subscribers. Please login if you have a subscription. Alternatively, you can request a trial, or contact your IFRAsia account manager for more information. If you have a subscription to IFRAsia, please enter your ... ( read original story ...)
Special Report: ‘Ghost collateral’ haunts loans across China’s banking system
recalled Shanghai lawyer Wang Chaoyu. A pile of steel pledged as collateral for a loan of almost $3 million from his bank, China CITIC, had vanished from a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Just several months earlier, in mid-2013, Wang and the ... ( read original story ...)
China’s Zhong An aims to raise at least $1 billion in Hong Kong IPO – sources
The Shanghai-based insurer chose Credit Suisse, JPMorgan and UBS in October to lead the IPO, but later suspended the plan to explore a mainland listing. The following February, Reuters reported that the mainland securities regulator was considering ... ( read original story ...)
Two similar IPOs in China and Hong Kong, but with diverse fates
On their debut trading day, Ribo Fashion shot up a staggering 44 per cent on the Shanghai Exchange, while rival Speed Apparel tumbled below its listing price in Hong Kong. The opposing fates of the two similar companies and IPOs stemmed from what analysts ... ( read original story ...)