UNNC wins top business award

The University of Nottingham Ningbo China achieved a prestigious accolade at the recent 2016 British Business Awards in Shanghai. UNNC took the award for “Educational Institutional Partnership of the Year”, beating off fierce competition from other ... ( read original story ...)

Shanghai Earmarks 440 Billion Yuan to Tackle Pollution

(Shanghai) — The Shanghai government has earmarked 440 billion yuan ($65.1 billion) to tackle pollution from 2016 to 2020 with tax breaks and subsidies for businesses that adopt environmentally friendly technology and meeting higher industry standards. ( read original story ...)

The best places to eat in Shanghai, China

Compared to Beijing, the food in Shanghai is far more international and modern ... expats boasting about their negotiation skills to young locals looking to try out a new restaurant. The mix of people adds a sense of vibrancy to the place. ( read original story ...)