SHANGHAI, China, June 15, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE ... those regarding our business strategy, financial position, results of operations, plans, prospects and objectives of management for future operations (including expected fleet additions, development ... ( read original story ...)
Anbang crisis threatens whole financial sector, say analysts
The government would also be very adverse to any large-scale defaults prior to the upcoming 19th Party Congress this fall,” said Brock Silvers, managing director of Kaiyuan Capital, a Shanghai-based financial advisory firm. He said Wu had shown an ... ( read original story ...)
China asking Shanghai lenders if tighter rules impacting credit quality -sources
SHANGHAI, June 14 The Shanghai branch of China's central bank is asking city lenders for information on asset quality, credit needs and potential risks on top of what all Chinese banks are preparing for a routine assessment, two people with direct ... ( read original story ...)
China state papers urge regulators to stick to reforms as pace of IPOs slows
Echoing that view, the Shanghai Securities News said IPOs are not the determinant factor of stock market trends, and regulators should not "balk, or even backtrack" on reforms. The newspaper noted that the CSRC had suspended IPOs nine times in history ... ( read original story ...)
China unlikely to see repeat of 2013 market turbulence: Financial News
SHANGHAI China is unlikely to see a repeat of the market turbulence similar to that of June 2013 as the risk of another liquidity crisis was currently low, the state-run Financial News newspaper said on Saturday. The newspaper, which is affiliated with the ... ( read original story ...)
Is China’s Stock Market About To Go Gangbusters?
Once the A-shares are included, it opens up an entire market for investment bank research into the stocks listed in the index. This is a global investment banker’s dream, especially the big boys with Asian branches. The Shanghai Stock Exchange is the ... ( read original story ...)
IPO reform a test of Chinese regulator’s resolve
The most important thing to do is drastically reform the IPO mechanism. The planned reform is sort of being forgotten Zhang Qi, analyst, Haitong Securities The regulator has given the go-ahead to about 200 listing applicants to raise funds on the Shanghai ... ( read original story ...)