Michigan governor heading to China for 9-day investment trip

He's scheduled to leave on Sunday and return to Michigan on Aug. 8. Snyder will visit Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Shanghai and Hangzhou, where he will promote Michigan business opportunities, visit companies and meet with government leaders. ( read original story ...)

Mattel swings further into China with Babytree centers

Hot on the heels of its joint venture with Shanghai-based investment company Fosun Group to ... In fact, Mattel predicts its business in China will grow to three or four times larger by 2020. Additionally, Mattel expanded its partnership with global ... ( read original story ...)

Davis-Standard to take part in Shanghai trade shows

PAWCATUCK — Davis-Standard LLC, the Pawcatuck-based designer, manufacturer, and distributor of extrusion and converting technology, will promote its extensive product lines at two major trade shows in Shanghai, China. The events, scheduled for Sept. ( read original story ...)

‘Man pods’ a hit at Shanghai mall

SHANGHAI: At a Shanghai mall, rows of "man pods" equipped with video games are proving a big hit, providing a refuge for hundreds of weary husbands and boyfriends as their other halves shop until they drop. The first pods were introduced at the Global ... ( read original story ...)

Man in China Busted for Making $22,000 Selling ‘Fake Water’

In January, one family — also in Shanghai — learned that they had been receiving counterfeit Nestle water from a local business. They figured the scheme after noticing that the more recent bottles being delivered to their household had slightly ... ( read original story ...)