Both the Nikkei and the Shanghai were amongst the losers in Asia, dropping 108.10(-0.52%) and 17.28(-0.67%) bps respectfully. Kospi on the contrary had a positive day climbing more than 1%. The prolon... ( read original story ...)
It’s China! No, it’s Japan! In months-long battling, China regains its title as home to world’s second-largest stock market
with a 25 per cent drop on the Shanghai exchange that made it the world’s worst performing major market. Shanghai’s stock index ends 2018 as the world’s biggest loser as trade war, slowing Chinese eco... ( read original story ...)
China central bank unveils plan to build Shanghai into a financial centre
BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s central bank issued a plan on Thursday on building Shanghai into an international financial centre, and reiterated that it will step up the opening of its financial ... ( read original story ...)
China to ease IPO rules on planned board to lure tech titans
China will relax rules on IPOs for a planned Nasdaq-style tech board in Shanghai as it seeks to encourage start-ups to list at home after losing the likes of Alibaba and Baidu to Wall Street. Existing ... ( read original story ...)
China unveils draft rules for Nasdaq-style board for tech startups
China has published draft rules for a Nasdaq-style startup board in Shanghai, the China Securities Regulatory Commission said on Wednesday, potentially competing with Hong Kong and New York for listin... ( read original story ...)
China to Scrap Price, First-Day Gain Limits to Entice Tech IPOs
China will remove limits on IPO pricing and first-day gains under plans for a new ... according to statements from the securities regulator and Shanghai Stock Exchange late Wednesday. The move is part ... ( read original story ...)
China unveils trading rules for new hi-tech board, paving way for bold new market to compete with New York, Hong Kong
but the regulator will take a go-slow approach initially since the stock market remains weak,” said Zhou Ling, a fund manager with Shanghai Shiva Investment. “After all, a flood of new IPOs will dilut... ( read original story ...)