“Recent operational data also suggest that the stock market is improving on a steady foundation.” The regulator added that during the first seven months of this year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index largely hovered between 3,000 and 3,300 ... ( read original story ...)
Shanghai RAAS Blood Products Co Ltd 002252 Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review [Report Updated: 18072017] Prices from USD $125
Antibodies Antisense Assays Biochips Bioinformatics Biological Therapy Biomarkers Biomaterials Bioscience Cell Culture Cloning Cytokine Diagnostics Dna Extraction Dna Sequencing Dna Transform... Blood is a specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary ... ( read original story ...)
Shanghai Haohai Biological Technology : DATE OF BOARD MEETING
As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Dr. Hou Yongtai, Mr. Wu Jianying, Mr. Huang Ming, Ms. Chen Yiyi and Mr. Tang Minjie; the non-executive directors of the Company are Ms. You Jie and Mr. Gan Renbao; and the ... ( read original story ...)
UK, China push forward ‘smart city’ technologies
Chinese energy company Shenergy and partners in the United Kingdom have announced plans to build a new center in Shanghai dedicated to clean energy and"smart city" technology. The Shanghai International Energy Innovation Center, which will also be known as ... ( read original story ...)
Hong Kong stocks rebound as technology, energy sectors gain
Technology and energy shares were among the biggest winners ... alert that forecast its interim profit to rise more than 50 per cent. In the mainland, the Shanghai Composite Index slipped 0.1 per cent at the opening to 3,206.04. However, the large-cap ... ( read original story ...)
China fines Citibank, four others for breaching mortgage and credit card rules
US banking giant Citigroup has been fined 10 million yuan (US$1.6 million) by China’s financial watchdog in Shanghai, accused of violating mortgage lending rules and for showing insufficient care when issuing credit cards. According to the China Banking ... ( read original story ...)
BRIEF-Joinn Laboratories China to raise up to 256.5 mln yuan for Shanghai IPO
* Joinn laboratories china says it plans to raise up to 256.5 million yuan ($38.51 million) at 12.51 yuan per share for its shanghai ipo ( read original story ...)